Possible correspondence from the school nurse:

Posted 02/24/2025

Possible correspondence from the school nurse:

Please check your student’s backpack for an envelope from the school nurse–these are letters for students whose school immunization records are incomplete or missing.

Please submit immunization records to the school (teacher, front office or school nurse) as soon as possible. You can also email them to the school nurse.

If your student needs to get immunizations, the envelope includes a list of upcoming immunization clinics at different schools. You can also call this number to make an appointment (free of charge) at any of the school based health centers–303-602-8958. The health centers located closest to Holm are at Place Bridge Academy and Thomas Jefferson. You can also call the health centers directly:
Place Bridge Academy Health Center: 720-424-5090
Thomas Jefferson Health Center: 720-423-7190

Please email or call the school nurse with questions:

Chloe Winsor, School Nurse