Drop your child off at the blue sign located north of the building between Holm and Hamilton. There will be an adult at the drop off area.
The idea of the drop off lane is to keep it moving. Once your child gets out of your car, please move on so the car behind you can pull up.
U-turns are illegal in a school zone. Please continue driving south on S. Willow St. Take a left on S. Waxberry Way, this street will take you back to S. Willow St. (see attached map)
We encourage you to use the drop off lane; it is more efficient for traffic and gets you where you need to go quicker. Please do not pull into the parking lot, it is for BUSES and employees only.
If you wish to walk your children into the building, please make sure you park on the street and use the sidewalks rather than walking through the parking lot. This is a safety issue; please adhere to our request.
If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, you can write a note, or set up a time to talk to them. Mornings are very busy times and teachers need to get started with their day right away. We appreciate your cooperation in this.
Afternoon Pick-Up:
Students being picked up by car will line up on the sidewalk by the service drive (north of the building toward Hamilton). This is the same location where students are dropped off in the morning.
The idea is to keep the pick-up lane moving, please stay in your car when in the pick-up lane (same as drop off lane), please do not park here and get out of your car.
Parents will line up in their cars along the sidewalk and wait for their child to be escorted to their car.
If you want to park and walk to pick your child up, there are two designated pick up areas. One on the North end of the building and one on the South end. Teachers will be walking their students out starting at the South end of the building; they will drop students off at the south parent pick up, then walk through the bus lane, then drop students at the north parent pick up. Please refrain from standing in the middle grassy area. We are designating two pick up areas for safety and for efficiency. It is much easier for teachers to know that their students have been picked up by a parent if they only have two areas to keep track of.
Hamilton Kids:
Hamilton kids picking up siblings will wait on the grass in between Holm and Hamilton. Holm students who are picked up by their Hamilton siblings will walk to the designated area.
Hamilton students should not walk through Holm during our dismissal, they need to walk around.
Thank you parents for your support in this! Together we can make this process run smoothly!